Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Case File 18 - The Miracles Surrounding the Cokeville Elementary School Bombing

On May 16, 1986 in the quiet, rural town of Cokeville Wyoming, a deranged couple named Doris and David Young entered the community’s elementary school with an arsenal of weapons and a gasoline bomb.  They took those inside hostage, and detonated a bomb in the first grade classroom.  Although the events that occurred on this fateful day were burned in the memories of the survivors, this story slowly started to become what the town refers to as the “Cokeville Miracle.” Survivors began to tell stories that paint a clear picture of angels, prayer, and the love of God.  You are about to hear the true stories from some of the children, now adults that were there that day.  Stayed tuned for Destination Mystery’s Case File 18.

Images taken from 
Emergency workers after the school bombing.
The aftermath - notice image burned on the wall.  Val speaks of this in the podcast.
David Young

Case File 17 - Positively Paranormal Christmas

Join Destination Mystery for an episode of Positively Paranormal Christmas stories told by Mike from the Paranormal Treasure Hunter, Michelle from Time Forgot, and Sierra from Paranormal Teens.